Sunday, December 2, 2012

Revenge 209 Review - Revelations

This Week on Revenge, Nolan continues to prove his loyalty while Daniel rises to the top.  An unlikely alliance is formed, while the show decides to explore some revenge that isn’t coming from our heroine.

Emily’s getting back into top form which is great to see however, her plans are almost too good now.  When she sends Victoria the sex tape of Conrad and Ashley, Victoria immediately assumes it’s the Initiative. So instead of exposing Ashley’s incident to Daniel, she enlists Ashley to ensure that an important upcoming vote goes Conrad’s way instead. This almost entirely fucks over Em’s plan if not for some quick thinking on her part.  I can’t help but wonder if she would’ve sent the tape directly to Daniel if it wouldn’t have gone over better, but I guess the show needed some time to kill.  She also totally killed her window into the eye of the Grayson manor as in the end we see that Conrad is having the cameras they installed near the beginning of the season removed.

Emily of course doesn’t realize, or does she, that Daniel’s rise to power is going to put him in some crazy danger.  This is going to hopefully lead to an uncomfortable alliance between Emily and Victoria to protect Daniel as her call to Emily at the end of the episode seems to indicate.  I have been begging for this and I really hope it does happen and isn’t just another tease.  It also seems to indicate that we’re going to be witnessing a possible romance rekindling between Emily and Daniel.  Which could give her a pass back inside the manor, but I don’t know how Aidan is going to take it even if it’s just part of the plan or not.

I’m going to take a moment to talk about an interesting phenomenon that has been happening with Revenge.  In an age where fans are more connected with showrunners and stars than ever before, Revenge is one of the very few shows that listens to fans and makes decisions to attempt to appease them.  The promo that aired after the episode caught my eye where it told us that, “We’re giving you just what you want!”  It’s not been a secret that fans and critics alike haven’t  been in love with the direction of the second season of Revenge so far, so it’ll be interesting to see if they are taking their criticisms to heart and adjusting the show accordingly as it seems they might be.

This has actually already happened a few times in season one, but it’s happened again this episode where we find out that Ashley had a one night affair with Conrad.  Ashley Madekwe revealed in a recent interview that fans were so positive that this affair happened that the writers decided to put it into the story even if it was never their intention to.  I’m also going to say what I think is a pretty unpopular opinion, I enjoy Ashley.  She’s no different than any of the other social climbers we’ve seen, and I admire her ambition to do what she needs to do in order to ensure it.  Hell, I felt that way ever since last season when it was revealed she leaked the incriminating photos of Daniel to the press. So I hope that, inspite of the fact that she was fired and is moving out of the mansion, we’ll still see her around the Hamptons.

I also have a feeling that the fans are driving Nolan’s storyline, at least romantically.  The entire love triangle that’s coming up with Nolan, Padma, and Marco already has me falling asleep at the wheel.  I just don’t care.  They’re trying to appease the fans that want to see him with a man and with a woman. I’m all for a bisexual character on television actually being bisexual, but he has more chemistry with other people on the show (Emily, Jack) than these two.  It’s important to note that many fans who want to see Nolan with someone want him to be with Emily, and I really hope that doesn’t happen either.

So tonight sealed the deal that the Ryan brothers were pretty much a storyline to give Declan and Jack something more to do.  Jack finally made the connection that they share a last name with a totally bad dude. The one thing I think the Ryan brothers aren’t counting on in their own road of revenge, they even have a list with crossed out names on it, is Amanda.  She overheard something tonight and we all know the girl isn’t afraid to dust off a blunt object if it means protecting her family.  Jack just needs to slip and it will go down.

Which leads me to my crackpot theory of the week regarding whose arm is on the boat.  I think Amanda is going to catch onto the Ryan brothers threatening Jack and she’s going to deal with them, then she gets Emily to help her cover it up by sailing the boat out into the ocean with the bodies on board and blowing it sky high.  Which makes it very similar to season one’s hook, where everyone thought it was going to be someone you care about when it really was just someone who came in as a redshirt all along.

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