Tuesday, August 30, 2011

True Blood 4.10 "Burning Down the House" Review

 *This Review Contains Spoilers*

If you tuned into HBO before True Blood aired you were treated to a chilling trailer reminding us all that blood will be shed.  And tonight in “Burning Down the House”, we saw the first Truebie fall.

I’m still befuddled by Tommy’s actions in the previous episode, but the fact that he wanted Alcide and Sam to let him die in this one could possibly shed some light on it.  To me, Tommy has seemingly committed suicide by werewolf after his life has taken one wrong turn after the other.  However, If Tommy had in fact went into his death on purpose he didn’t leave Sam and Alcide the memo as they’re both now on a warpath of revenge.  Alcide will also be given even more ammunition against Marcus once he finds out he made out with Debbie in their own house.  I liked Tommy, and was personally sad to see him go like this, especially with how bizarre and seemingly unmotivated his actions were.

The other big news of this episode is Eric Northman is back, well, his memories are anyway.  The shock of seeing that Sookie was able to use her powers to inadvertently break the spell was great television.  I also loved seeing Pam come looking for him and the moment they shared together.  Was it just me, or was Pam eyeing Sookie wondering how she could get the girl to break the spell placed on her as well.  In the future I’d like to see Eric take a firmer hand with Sookie, he still feels a bit neutered with me.  But I guess that goes hand in hand with being in love with someone.

Someone hold me back before I punch Jason in the mouth.  Jason’s reaction after he and Jessica had sex was a red flag that while she’s done with Hoyt, she and Jason are not the next True Blood power couple.  I’d like to see Jessica with someone who’s worthy of the kick-ass vampire girl she can be, and accepts her completely for who she is.

A great twist was revealed this week when we discovered that it wasn’t all Antonia pursuing the vampires in such a violent fashion.  We find out Antonia was a healer, and the fact all this innocent blood is being shed isn’t sitting right with her.  Marnie is behind so much more, the goal of exterminating the vampires is just as much her goal, if not more so, than it is Antonia’s.  Which Jesus found out the hard way when he was able to break through the protection spell and was able to speak with Marnie one on one.  Also, props this week to Tara and Holly for not just wringing their hands and instead working together to try and get out.

Outside of the big supernatural versus supernatural showdowns this week, Terry drags Andy out to the woods to have an intervention.  Fort Bellefleur was great, as was Terry’s brand of therapy.  After being a complete ass this whole season, I hope the message sticks with Andy and he can kick his V habit.  I also can’t help but wonder if this aside isn’t set up for something more.  Afterall, we’ve only got two episodes left this season.

Back to the aforementioned promo, with Bon Temp’s population dropping, it begs the question of who else won’t make it out of the season alive.  Has Tara gotten mixed up with the wrong side for the last time?  Perhaps Sam is in over his head with the werewolves and will meet an end similar to his brother.  With the show so different from the books that it’s based on, even the deaths from there that you may be expecting to come, won’t arrive at all.  With only two weeks left until the sure to be bloody finale, your guess is as good as mine.

1 comment:

  1. I know you posted this forever ago, but I just wanted to say you're very very good at reviewing episodes. I can see you're passionate about this show, as am I, and it warms my heart to see someone else appreciate it the way I do. Hope you're doing good.
