Tuesday, November 6, 2012

'American Horror Story: Asylum' Poster Easter Eggs Uncovered


One of the most exciting parts of the American Horror Story: Asylum promo campaign was this poster from FX featuring the cast in character for their roles in season two. It was filled with what we assumed to be various hints and clues as to what the new season would contain. Now that we're three episodes in to the season it's become apparent that some of these images truly hold a second meaning. 

Check out what we found by taking a second closer look at the poster including some confirmation on character arcs as well as a Bloody Face identity theory. 

Freaky Foreshadowing

(Click on any image to enlarge)

Next Theory to be Confirmed?

Those are the things we've noticed so far about the poster when compared to the action of the episodes, but is there anything big we've missed? Let us know in the comments!


  1. Whatever´s behind Dr Thredson, doesn´t seem even human. I shorter than him and did you notice the shape of its head? It doesn´t look pretty normal. Aliens maybe?

  2. Is the thing behind Thredson a demon or Alien? I can see it as both...

  3. Hey what a brilliant post I have come across and believe me I have been searching out for this similar kind of post for past a week and hardly came across this. Thank you very much and will look for more postings from you. weird news stories

  4. Lovved reading this thank you
