Wednesday, February 5, 2014

'Person of Interest': 3.14 "Provenance" Review

Strip away the Machine as God metaphors as well as the character flashbacks and this week Person of Interest turned into a heist thriller. Jiao Lin, a former Olympic medalist gymnast, has gotten quite a reputation as a master art and antiquities thief. When her number gets called up, the team realizes that things aren't quite what they seem so they band together to pull off the perfect crime in order to get Lin out from under the thumb of Czech thugs in "Provenance".

In a recent interview, Jonathan Nolan referred to Samantha Shaw as the show's 'Catwoman'. So what easily could have turned into some kind of videogame-style Catwoman VS Catwoman type showdown quickly became something better, a partnership. It's interesting to me how they say that Shaw doesn't have access to her feelings like most people do. You'd never know it when she's around little kids, perhaps it's because that's the age she was when her life changed following that lethal car accident. Jiao Lin is the type of character in the POI repertoire I hope gets called back into action again in the future--no denying how handy her gymnast skills were and if it meant helping somebody else I'm sure she'd take the call.

Even though things for Team Machine started off a little dodgy and even tense (there was certainly an initial awkwardness between Reese and Shaw as the man in the suit found things had changed since he took his leave of absence) they pulled it together in spectacular fashion. Every player had something to accomplish and I daresay this was one of Fusco's smoothest episodes yet. Loved when he just strolled into Finch's HQ like it was no big deal, plans and schematics at the ready for their use. It was also notable how Reese didn't mind being the distraction to 'take the dive' so Shaw and Lin could work together. Caring about one's ego doesn't save lives and a lesser show wouldn't realize that I don't think in their insistence to prove Reese is still 'the man'. Oh, and I can't even wait to see the kind of damage that Harold can do with that fancy brand-new 3D printer he obtained. Definitely the type of tech that will pay for itself tenfold in future missions.

Finch was on-point in the episode whether he was coming up with the heist plan or waggling his brows
 suggestively when a woman mistakenly thought Reese was his date at blacktie gathering that kicked things off. I know I've seen many Reese/Carter shippers around but I'm unclear as to the level of slash shipping that goes on with this show. In any event, it was well-handled fanservice and a lovely comedy moment from Michael Emerson. Speaking of Joss Carter, the way this episode wrapped things up was a perfect blending of looking to the future while respecting the past and those they've lost up to this point. I hope they always pour a glass just for Carter because she's certainly forever in our hearts as well.

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