'The Vampire Diaries' 414 Review -"Down the Rabbit Hole"
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This week on The Vampire Diaries... I stand by what I said last week when I said this episode and last week’s really should have been combined into one since all the interesting things happened in the last part of this episode, but I’ll get to that later.
So we know for sure that the cure only has one dose, shocker much? The show is called The Vampire Diaries, so they wouldn’t let everyone take the damn cure or all the drama would be out the window. At least Elena wasn’t brooding over the fact that she couldn’t have the cure, but deciding they were going to use it on Klaus instead strikes me as even more selfish. This cure was put with the guy that can allegedly raise the dead and is rumored to want to bring about the end times, but let’s use it on the guy that really only has a personal vendetta against us. We totally didn’t do anything to deserve it, like kill his brothers or try to kill him several times...
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Not that it matters at the moment considering Katherine came in and swooped the cure out from under all their noses. I just don’t know why she did. Maybe she wants to use it on Klaus as well, or perhaps she’s just looking for leverage. It’s nice to see her back but confusing as fuck considering she’s been MIA all season. I admire that she really didn’t care about Bonnie or Jeremy which at least makes her characterization consistent.
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We’re left at the end of the episode with Bonnie bleeding out after standing in the way of a hunter who wanted to use the cure on Silas, as it was intended. Even if she was ignored by Katherine I’m sure one of our heroes will still get to her in time. We also have Jeremy apparently dead after Katherine literally fed him to Silas. Why is that so dramatic when we know he has his ring? Has he stopped wearing it? Do his scenes really bore me that much that I missed him mentioning i? Yeah that could be it actually. But then why are they making the image of him dead such a big deal when it’s another example of their hollow drama that isn’t really drama because you know they’d never kill said person off.
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But this isn’t the only old trick that The Vampire Diaries was up to this week, no they again demonstrated how they’ve perfected the art of the love triangle. Beyond the love triangle this show has a way to cater to every damn ship in one episode without ever committing. Which maybe some fans enjoy, but this show has so turned me off love triangles that I rage whenever one shows up on a show. I don’t care about which dick the dopplesnatch chooses, nor do I care about Klaroline.
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I’m totally going to call the show out about Tyler however. Why for three seasons in a row has Tyler had to leave town about this episode and vanish until about the finale? The third time is not the charm and I’m just annoyed at them using some excuse to get rid of him again. When he decided to go against Klaus he knew there were risks involved but everyone acts shocked when consequences from engaging in said risks actually happen. Also nice try sending in Caroline to try and AGAIN bat her eyes at Klaus when she really doesn’t give a shit about him, that much is clear when she’s with Tyler. At least Klaus doesn’t fall for it. In the end I’m left wondering who I have to make a sacrifice to for The Originals to make it to series, but they’ll probably wind up adding about twenty more love triangles to that as well eventually.
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